Female Black Darter
Female Black Darter

Black Darter (Sympetrum danae)
A small heathland and moorland species, and the only UK black dragonfly. The males become extensively black with maturity with a black frons and thorax. Some yellow markings remain along the sides of the abdomen and thorax.
Females and immature males have a yellow abdomen and brown thorax marked with a black triangle on top. The side of the thorax and the lower part of the abdomen is strongly marked in black.

Female Black Darter

Black Darter (Sympetrum danae)
A small heathland and moorland species, and the only UK black dragonfly. The males become extensively black with maturity with a black frons and thorax. Some yellow markings remain along the sides of the abdomen and thorax.
Females and immature males have a yellow abdomen and brown thorax marked with a black triangle on top. The side of the thorax and the lower part of the abdomen is strongly marked in black.